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the crazy guy
the creek
the declaration of being jew
the end of an era
the ethics of CONTENT
the fecund, the lush and the salted land waits for a harvest...her people...ripe with promise, wait until the next blowing season
the films we almost saw last summer or (maybe we should turn off the lights)
the fire that we caused
the flipside
the flower of her skin
the flowers and sorrow he gave me
the gleaners, and: ritual for signaled bodies
the gospel according to them
the information
the interlude of 11
the lab of ornithology
the last bus pass
the last day i can no longer remember.
the last five years or so
the lucid dream of the last poets
the man obsessed with the perfect egg
the manics 1
the night is drunk when we suffer
the other side of Dreaming
the parade
the poem exists, the book does not
the product is YOU
the resurrection of a leaf
the revenge
the revenge: the batrayal 2 (black and white)
the reviewer
the river