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a beautiful day of September
a beautiful death
a body is a body is a body
a border of flat stones
a boy talks to a girl.
a clearing
a consolidation of a constructed memories
a display of light
a dream for a memory
a fence is a fence but the clouds move freely
a film about nothing or my friend, jake, in new mexico
a film is a goodbye that never ends
a fly on the wall, a deer in the headlights
a friend of her divorced husband is a former lover from college. a tall married woman who opens a pandora's box that shouldn't be opened and falls down
a good boy
a good cup of cocoa
a good death?
a imagem não diz nada
a landscape of survival
a letter to Jacklynn
a lonely night
a love letter to Brian, Lesley, and Michelle
a method in madness or; the death of Thanatos, (and a prelude to soliloquy)
a moment of recovery
a quiet desperation
a raiz de um
a shifting pattern
a short conversation between a brother and a sister
a strange bitter
a sudden interruption in an otherwise regular night
a sweet dream
a tangled web drowning in honey