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When Your Friend Owes You Money
When a scream is heard
When in Doubt - Punt!
When in the Bathroom
When life gives you lemons
When life gives you lemons
When the Body Says Yes
When the Cloud was there
When the Cows Come Home
When the Lights Goes on in the Darkroom
When the Mist Clears
When the Monsters Come Out
When the Moon Returns
When the Music Died
When the Music Ends
When the Phone Rang
When the Queen Spoke to the Nation
When the Shadows Yearn to Breathe
When the Sky is Doubting
When the Sun Hits
When the Time Comes
When the house lights come on
Whenever I'm Alone with You
Where Are The Women
Where Are You, Christmas?
Where Do All the Old Gays Go?
Where Do We Go from Here
Where Fields Are Empty
Where Have All the Lesbians Gone?
Where Have You Been