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Adventures of Casanova
Adventures of Don Juan
Adventures of Gallant Bess
Adventures of Hookup Hotshot
Adventures of Jimmy
Adventures of Kitty O'Day
Adventures of Lat & Long
Adventures of Mr. Big Fat Dick 5
Adventures of Popeye
Adventures of Power
Adventures of Raydee Ayshun
Adventures of Red Rooster
Adventures of Red Ryder
Adventures of Rufus: The Fantastic Pet
Adventures of Rusty
Adventures of Serial Buddies
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog: The Fastest Thing in Time
Adventures of T-Man
Adventures of Thunderstorm: Return of Thor
Adventures of Tom Thumb Jr.
Adventures of a Brown Man in Search of Civilization
Adventures of a Mathematician
Adventures of a Pizza Guy
Adventures of a Plumber's Mate
Adventures of a Private Eye
Adventures of a Taxi Driver
Adventures of a Teenage Dragonslayer
Adventures of a Waterboy
Adventures of the Black Stallion
Adventures of the Crystal Skull
Adventures of the DP Boys: Hooter Country
Adventures of the Flying Cadets
Adventures of the Haunted Hunted
Adventures of the Naked Umbrella
Adventures of the Queen