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the Routine
the Sratim Noshim Tekes 2023
the air is subtle, various and sweet
the anthill in my heart
the autumn tapes
the awakening
the backroads
the bad twins travelers
the beauty bath
the behaviour of something I don't know
the building being built
the buoyancy of citrus
the consolation of life
the crazy guy
the creek
the days were shorter than i remember
the dealers
the declaration of being jew
the destructors
the end of an era
the ethics of CONTENT
the fecund, the lush and the salted land waits for a harvest...her people...ripe with promise, wait until the next blowing season
the films we almost saw last summer or (maybe we should turn off the lights)
the fire that we caused
the flipside
the flower of her skin
the flowers and sorrow he gave me
the fouled compass
the gleaners, and: ritual for signaled bodies
the gospel according to them
the information