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When You’re Here, You’re Pizza
When a Rocket Sits on the Launch Pad
When a scream is heard
When delusion becomes reality
When in the Bathroom
When life gives you lemons
When life gives you lemons
When life gives you lemons
When moon fall, I was me
When sleep wakes us up
When the Body Says Yes
When the Clock Strikes
When the Cloud was there
When the Dust Settles
When the Gifts Arrive
When the Grief Sets In
When the Hawk Comes
When the Land Runs Away
When the Light Breaks
When the MIG’s fly
When the Monsters Come Out
When the Moon Returns
When the Mountain Roars
When the Music Died
When the Music Ends
When the Night is Over
When the Phone Rang
When the Pigs Storm our Houses
When the Plug is Pulled Out and the Set is Cold
When the Poor Smile
When the Rain Falls in Baden-Baden
When the Sand Stands Still
When the Seagulls Cry ~Stage of the golden Witch~ Episode 2
When the Seagulls Cry ~Stage of the golden Witch~ Episode 2 EVE