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101 Dalmatians: A Lesson in Self-Assertion
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Captain Nemo
4th of July Firecrackers
A Boy Called Nuthin’
A Casa do Mickey Mouse: O Grande Show
A Casa do Mickey Mouse: Salão de Mascote da Minnie
A Casa do Mickey Mouse: Uma Surpresa Para a Minnie no Dia do Amigo
A Cowboy Needs a Horse
A Feather in His Collar
A Gentleman's Gentleman
A Good Time for a Dime
A Goofy Look at Valentine's Day
A Knight for a Day
A Lesson in Honesty
Adventures with Mickey
Africa Before Dark
Alice Charms the Fish
Alice Cuts the Ice
Alice Gets in Dutch
Alice Helps The Romance
Alice Hunting in Africa
Alice Wins the Derby
Alice at the Carnival
Alice at the Rodeo