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"Kill Him"
"Konsul" i inni
"Last Year's Rain Fell on a Monday:" With the Herdsmen - Nomadic Himba
"Lay Down Thy Raincoat and Groove": Echo and the Bunnymen at the Royal Albert Hall
"Margarita" is Raging
"Mein ganzes Leben war Kunst". Ein Film über Otte Sköld
"On Yer Bike"
"Pet, Fluffy, Cheezy, Bunny..."
"Petersilia" Boarding School
"Please Kill Me, I'm a Faggot Nigger Jew"
"Portraits" : Chantal Akerman
"Qualcosa" di Niki
"Shamrock" and "Erin" Sailing
"Shingled" - A Cutting Little Episode In One Act
"Snap Shots", Hawaiian Islands
"Sok húron pendülnek"
"Sorry/Hear Us"
"Sweeping Up" - A Demonstration
"Tank You Vedy Much!" - The Many Faces of a Comic Legend
"The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show" Christmas with Mamie Kelly
"The Journey", or The Memoirs of a Self-Confessed Surrealist
"They Didn't Starve Us Out": Industrial Cape Breton in the 1920s
"Topical" Triumphs Again
"Topless Cellist" Charlotte Moorman
"Ty pójdziesz górą..." (Eliza Orzeszkowa)
"Untitled" (A Portrait)
"Weather" Sic Or Not
"Weird Al" Yankovic: The Videos
"Wir machen unsere Filme selbst" Arbeiterfilm im Deutschland der zwanziger Jahre
"Without doubt, you are mad" - Tage Danielsson
"daddy's gone a'hunting"
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