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the flipside
the flower of her skin
the flowers and sorrow he gave me
the interlude of 11
the last five years or so
the lucid dream of the last poets
the night is drunk when we suffer
the other side of Dreaming
the parade
the poem exists, the book does not
the product is YOU
the resurrection of a leaf
the revenge
the running paradox
the sky in our hands, our hands in the sky
the starch of petunia
the tearoom generation
the things I keep from my mother
the thinkers underwhelming desire to escape
the unraveling of time
the variable
the wheels have stopped from rolling
the windmills never stopped.
the world was made by accident.
the zmei’s bride
then turn tears to fires
there alone
there is no reverse metamorphosis
there with fantastic garlands did she come
there's an elephant in my room
they made me believe I was daddy's girl when I was in fact momma's boy
things go well, gonna be prophet soon
things that won't die
this is concrete