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der Blumenkönig
destructive response. low junctions behind the worn ripples. unconscious understanding and the prayers within the snows
detours while speaking of monsters
dirty wars, dissociated. / covert netherworld to zion.
distant star (or: a particularly pathetic film)
dream figment
east's end
easy on the turns
eeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeee
ek • stasis
el desconsuelo (v.alternativa)
ela cerra os olhos
em silêncio, amor
esencialmente sufrir, esencialmente humano
estoy raspando la hoja y la voz
eu coloco o óculos, mas continua tudo embaçado...
every dove is a pigeon and every pigeon is a dove
exergue – on documenta 14
exits / entrances
expired eggs