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Baseball & Fuck Balls
Based on a True Story
Bashung, Alain - La tournée des grands espaces
Basic Instinct: Sex, Death & Stone
Basketball and Mathematics
Bastille Day Chronicle of a Revolution
Baston, Si t'enlèves la cédille ça fait baston
Bataille Natale
Bathsheba, l'histoire de La Conjuration
Batman: Ashes to Ashes
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1
Bats in the Night
Battle of Marseille, le documentaire
Battle of the 80s Supercars with David Hasselhoff
Battle of the Brave
Battle of the Bulge: Winter War
Battle of the Classes
Battle over Quebec's soul
Battledream Chronicle
Battlefield Behemoths: A History of the Tank – The World Wars.
Battlefield Earth
Battlefield Quebec: Wolfe & Montcalm