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the films we almost saw last summer or (maybe we should turn off the lights)
the flipside
the flowers and sorrow he gave me
the last day i can no longer remember.
the last five years or so
the last thing he eats is himself
the light gleams an instant
the lucid dream of the last poets
the making of deeper well
the man obsessed with the perfect egg
the manics 1
the matchbox
the mirage of ultra-realistic hands
the night is drunk when we suffer
the parade
the resurrection of a leaf
the revenge
the revenge: the batrayal 2 (black and white)
the second draft
the shepherd
the sky in our hands, our hands in the sky
the square root of C²
the starch of petunia
the sticker
the tearoom generation
the things I keep from my mother
the thinkers underwhelming desire to escape
the threshold
the triangle
the upsidedown - a documentary by mike.
the variable
the view from where i see it