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Attack of the Lederhosen Zombies
Attack of the Living Toys: The Motion Picture
Attack of the Mayan Mummy
Attack of the Meth Gator
Attack of the Mutant Roadkill and the Vampyre Zombies from Beyond the Grave
Attack of the Nightmare-a-saurus
Attack of the Octopus People
Attack of the Potato People
Attack of the Psychedelic Zombies, Man!
Attack of the Puppet People
Attack of the Radioactive Zombies
Attack of the Rather Large Coronavirus!
Attack of the Sabretooth
Attack of the Slimy Zombies
Attack of the Southern Fried Zombies
Attack of the Space Zombies from Planet
Attack of the Swole People
Attack of the TOILET PAPER
Attack of the Tattie-Bogle
Attack of the Thanksgiving Squash
Attack of the Tromaggot
Attack of the Undead
Attack of the Unknown
Attack of the Vegan Zombies!
Attack of the Virgin Mummies
Attack of the Zombie Knights
Attack of the Zombie Vampires
Attack on Titan II: End of the World
Attack the Chupacabras